Picture of a face only a mother could love

A face only a mother could love...

Thanks for spending time with us! This site is dedicated to Max, that little dog we love best of all.


8 Foods That Can Harm Your Dog

ARTICLEYou probably already know it’s not a good idea to feed your dog from your dinner plate. But once in a while, when you’re not paying attention, your dog gets hold of people food anyway. Usually it’s not …


Best Dog Houses for Small Dogs

ARTICLESmall dogs need their own special place to relax and get away from it all just like their human companions. You should consider getting a dog house that provides comfort and safety for your loving pet. When you begin …


Best Small Dogs for Families

ARTICLEHaving a small dog as a pet can be a wonderful addition to a family who loves dogs. A smaller dog is often preferred due to their compact size and ease of care.


Crate Training Small Dogs

ARTICLEThere are several levels of thought about crate training. Some owners simply want the opportunity to put their puppy or small dog away so they can’t get underfoot. Other owners like the idea that they’re …


Crisis Response Dogs Are Ready to Comfort You

ARTICLEAfter stressful and traumatic events, people can seek relief in a variety of ways—talking with friends and loved ones, seeking counseling from professionals, or even through petting and cuddling with animals. You …


Dog Food Bacteria: A Raw Diet Carries a Higher Risk

ARTICLEIn 2007 there was a spate of dogs and cats in the US developing kidney failure resulting in death. The cause turned out to be melamine, a non-food substance, contained in pet food imported from China. Some pet food …


Dog Litter Box Training: The Key to Eliminating Accidents

ARTICLEWhen most people hear the term “litter box”, they often think of cats. However, litter box training a dog isn’t out of the realm of possibility. In fact, it is becoming increasingly popular for many pet …


Dog Obedience Training - Stopping Aggressive Puppy Biting

ARTICLEIs your puppy biting you and other members of your family? Are you at your wit’s end trying to figure out how to teach him not to bite? Whether the biting is playful or aggressive, this behavior must be stopped, …

Video Lessons

Doggy Dan, the Online Dog Trainer: Membership Site Review

REVIEWTL;DR: Methodology works, comprehensive videos, written material also, ask questions/get answers from trainers on the forum, $1 trial membership, or free dog obedience course. What is the membership site like? The site …


House Training a Small Dog

ARTICLEHouse training a small dog can sometimes be a little more difficult than training a much larger dog. After all, if a larger dog makes a mess in the house, you’re going to notice it a lot sooner than if a smaller …


Housebreaking Small Dogs

ARTICLEGenerally speaking, housebreaking your small dog is the process through which you train your small dog that lives with you in the house to urinate or defecate outside the house or in a demarcated area within the house, …


How to Train a Small Dog Not to Bark

ARTICLEDon’t you just hate it when your neighbor’s dog wants to bark all night long? Or, when the Chihuahua down the street wants to bark at every car that drives down the street? What happens when it is not the …


Is Walking Small Dogs Really Necessary?

ARTICLEEvery pet owner understands the importance of good diet and exercise for their four-legged friends. Good health can help to prevent things such as mange”), heart disease, arthritis, dog obesity, and joint problems. …


Jack Russell Terrier: The Smartest Small Dog in the World

ARTICLEWhen it comes to giving the smartest small dog honors to one breed, opinions will vary, but many consider the friendly and energetic Jack Russell Terrier to be on top of the heap. They were originally bred to hunt foxes, …


Maltese Dog

ARTICLEThe Maltese is seen as a ball of hair. Glamorous, difficult and dainty. The Greeks put up tombs for their dogs and a model was found in Egypt as well. They’ve been an aristocrat for 28 centuries, with …


Mange in Small Dogs: What Is It and How To Get Rid of It

ARTICLEThe term “mange” is a very generalized one. It is not a specific type of condition, but it is a term used to describe a variety of conditions which are created by parasitic mites. Mange in small dogs is a …


Preventing Dog Bites

ARTICLEA few years ago a friend of mine was bitten by one of her mother’s dogs. It was a serious bite and her arm was bleeding badly, but she was visiting from out of town and resisted the idea of going to a local …


Separation Anxiety in Small Dogs: Understanding It and How to Treat It

ARTICLEEvery pet owner likely understands the term “separation anxiety” when it comes to their four-legged friend. If you have not yet experienced just what it is, consider yourself lucky. Separation anxiety in …


Small Dog Tricks

ARTICLEDon’t you just love to see a very well behaved dog? It is even cuter when this is a miniature dog breed such as a Maltese terrier or Chihuahua. These types of dogs are known for their cuteness and playfulness. Once …


Taking a Vacation When You Have a Dog

ARTICLEAs vacations are quickly approaching again, the question lingers of what to do with your pets while you’re traveling. There are two primary options people use if the pets are staying home: 1) kennel or 2) friend, …


Ticks and Your Dog

ARTICLEPreventing ticks on your pets Dogs are very susceptible to tick bites and tickborne diseases. Vaccines are not available for all the tickborne diseases that dogs can get, and they don’t keep the dogs from bringing …


Top 10 Dog Training Tips from the CIA

ARTICLEDid you know the CIA has its own dedicated staff of dog trainers? K-9 officers are an important part of our Security Protective Service (SPS), which ensures the CIA and its employees are kept safe. The trainers, all SPS …


Training Small Dogs to Be Good House Pets

ARTICLEYou love your dog, but sometimes you find yourself wishing that you’d never invited this little barking whirlwind into your home. You’re at your wit’s end because the dog that used to be so cute and …


What to Do About Small Dog Syndrome

ARTICLESmall dogs often receive much coddling and pampering by their owners. One of the main reasons for inviting a small dog into the home is because they are great companions, while requiring less overall maintenance than …


Why Do Small Dogs Bark So Much?

ARTICLEHave you ever asked yourself why do small dogs bark so much? If you look around your neighborhood, chances are that the dog who is responsible for the most noise in the neighborhood is not a menacing pit bull or noisy …